Inner Space: Dawn Beckles, Kate Montgomery, Lindsey Moran, Alison Pullen and Adam Stone
Sarah Wiseman Gallery is delighted to introduce Inner Space, a group exhibition of artists exploring a variety of interior spaces that are domestic, more opulent or imaginary. With our domestic lives taking so much more precedence in the last two years, our thoughts have come to focus on the importance of our most intimate surroundings.
Gallery director Sarah Wiseman says, ''The word 'home' or interior carries so many meanings. The exhibition features artists investigating interior space using a variety of media addressing a range of themes.'
Visitors can expect to see vibrant paintings by the acclaimed young artist Dawn Beckles, whose contemporary interpretations of classic still life incorporates reoccurring subject matter inspired by her native Barbados. The Brighton-based artist Kate Montgomery will also be showing new works inspired by the interior worlds of women, inspired by her early childhood.
'We'll also be introducing printmaker Lindsey Moran who explores the decadent light and space of palm houses, while Adam Stone investigates the compelling nature of abandoned or disused urban spaces', says Sarah. Gallery artist Alison Pullen presents her beautifully observed paintings of both domestic and public spaces, using a mixture of collage and drawing in situ.
'This exhibition explores what it means to be in our own space, whether that's our homes or some other place, perhaps in our dreams,' says Sarah.
A percentage of sales fromn the exhibition will go to the charity Sunflower of Peace to provide medical and humanitarian supplies to the people of Ukraine.
Browse the digital fully illustrated exhibition cataloge for 'Inner Space' featuring texts about each artist and all available works. See link below.
Dawn Beckles, Fruity Breakfast I
Dawn Beckles, Fruity Breakfast II
Dawn Beckles, Process the Difference
Dawn Beckles, Somebody
Dawn Beckles, That We Could Live
Dawn Beckles, There Are no Words
Dawn Beckles, Watch Over
Dawn Beckles, Willing
Dawn Beckles, Mini 47
Dawn Beckles, Mini 48
Dawn Beckles, Mini 49
Dawn Beckles, Mini 50
Dawn Beckles, Mini 51
Dawn Beckles, Mini 52
Kate Montgomery, Anecdote
Kate Montgomery, Girl From the Village
Kate Montgomery, Golden Hour
Kate Montgomery, Hulahooper
Kate Montgomery, Interior
Kate Montgomery, Marianne / Marion
Kate Montgomery, Railway Cottage
Kate Montgomery, Short Story Sold
Lindsay Moran, Empty Chair Sold
Lindsay Moran, Palm House - Kew Gardens
Lindsay Moran, Stairs - Kew Gardens Sold
Lindsay Moran, The Great Conservatory II Sold
Lindsay Moran, V & A Stairs
Lindsay Moran, Window Light
Alison Pullen, Ashmolean Museum, Randolph Gallery - Paris Match
Alison Pullen, Bayswater Interior - X Sold
Alison Pullen, Cambridge Interior - Splash Hits Sold
Alison Pullen, Parsons Green Interior - Bequest Sold
Alison Pullen, Christchurch Cathedral Sold
Adam Stone, Absence
Adam Stone, Doppelganger
Adam Stone, Lobby
Adam Stone, Snack Bar
Adam Stone, Stairwell
Adam Stone, Tables and Chairs
Adam Stone, The Chairs